Saturday, July 16, 2011

This review is from: Forgotten April (Kindle Edition)
Forgotten April by Robyn Bradley is a great read. It captured my interest from the outset and I really enjoyed the way the author told the story from the perspective of a different character in each chapter. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for my review and I really wasn't certain I would like it. I was not disappointed! Robyn Bradley has crafted a thoughtful and relevant story that brings out the fact that we must deal with our past in order to go forward into our future. I also enjoyed the way the stories of the different characters were interwoven and demonstrated that it really IS a small world; we would probably all be amazed at how closely we are connected with one another if we just took the time to look. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Watch for new reviews!

As you may have noticed, I've been away for a while.  Things have finally settled down and I'm back to something resembling a normal schedule.  Being the avid reader that I am, I still found time to read some really great (and a couple not so great) books.  Watch for several new reviews over the next few days.

Meanwhile, what have YOU read that you'd like to share about?

Have a great day,