Saturday, July 16, 2011

This review is from: Forgotten April (Kindle Edition)
Forgotten April by Robyn Bradley is a great read. It captured my interest from the outset and I really enjoyed the way the author told the story from the perspective of a different character in each chapter. I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for my review and I really wasn't certain I would like it. I was not disappointed! Robyn Bradley has crafted a thoughtful and relevant story that brings out the fact that we must deal with our past in order to go forward into our future. I also enjoyed the way the stories of the different characters were interwoven and demonstrated that it really IS a small world; we would probably all be amazed at how closely we are connected with one another if we just took the time to look. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Watch for new reviews!

As you may have noticed, I've been away for a while.  Things have finally settled down and I'm back to something resembling a normal schedule.  Being the avid reader that I am, I still found time to read some really great (and a couple not so great) books.  Watch for several new reviews over the next few days.

Meanwhile, what have YOU read that you'd like to share about?

Have a great day,

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Want to run away? Perhaps you're missing "Margin"

Not a new book, but certainly a “timely” one, Dr. Richard Swenson's book Margin, reminds us all that we need time in our lives for ourselves, our families, and, most importantly, God. Do you ever see a commercial that features an individual or family just relaxing, playing together and feel just a little bit jealous that you don't have the time to do those kinds of things? If so, according to Dr. Swenson, you lack margin in your life.

We all have a tendency to “over-commit” ourselves. For some reason we believe we have to be all things to all people and that saying, “no” is not an option. Dr. Swenson points out in his book that in order to have a healthy and satisfying life, we all need margin. Lack of margin in our lives results in pain; pain from stress brought about by the constant need to do more, get more, be more. We commit to so many projects there is no time left for ourselves, our, family, or God. We are driven by anxiety over debt to work more hours, accomplish more.

In order to overcome the lack of margin, Dr. Swenson tells us that we need to make changes in our lives; some of these changes may not be easy. We need margin in at least four categories: physical energy, emotional energy, time, and finances. To accomplish this we will most likely need to adjust our goals. We will need to consciously decide to say no to certain work projects, we may need to adjust our life-style so that we can once again live within our means rather than within our credit limit, we need to remind ourselves that just because there are emails, voice mails, text messages waiting for us – they will still be there tomorrow.

As with any book, especially one that focuses on making changes in your life, you may not agree with everything Dr. Swenson has to say, acting on the principles of this book could just change your life for the better!